Dear Colleagues!
We invite you to take part in the peer-reviewed scientific and practical publication – journal
«Journal of Pedagogical Innovations»

The founder of the journal is the Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University
The journal is based in 2002.
The journal is placed in the Scientific electronic library and is included in the Russian Scientific Citation Index.
The Journal is included in the Higher Attestation Commission List of Peer-reviewed Scientific Journals (Pedagogical Sciences).
Leaves 4 yearly.
Evgeniya Borisovna Maruschak
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Vice-Rector for Regional Cooperation and Continuing Education.
Editor-in-Chief Assistant
Tatiana Viktorovna Khomchenko
Head Assistant of the Institute of continuing education
Sending orders for individual subscriptions to:
Vilyuiskaya street, 28 Novosibirsk, Russian Federation, 630126
“Journal of Pedagogical Innovations”
Subscription index of the journal No. 46820 according to the catalog of the Rospechat Agency (“Press of Russia”)