DOI: 10.15293/1812-9463.2103.01
УДК 378
Oparin Roman Vladimirovich
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University; Moscow State Regional University, Novosibirsk – Moscow.
ORCID ID: E-mail:
Arbuzova Elena Nikolaevna
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University; Omsk State University named after F.M. Dostoevsky; Moscow State Regional University, Novosibirsk – Omsk – Moscow. ORCID ID: E-mail:
Sakharov Andrey Valentinovich
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk. ORCID ID:
The key goal of modern biological and ecological education is the process of forming a natural scientific worldview based on the biological picture of the world and, in particular, the formation of biological (ecological) thinking based on a systematic approach. This contributes to the formation of a personality capable of independently building a trajectory of personal development, subject to mastering key competencies. An innovative approach to the formation of a biological picture of the world, from the authors’ point of view, is the use of immersive technologies in the educational process in biology and ecology. The article discusses the implementation of new teaching aids and technologies, especially virtual and augmented reality, 3D images in the biological and ecological education of school students, and the problems of a comprehensive study of the influence of VR and AR technologies on students in the context of project activities. It proposes several approaches to the training of teachers and instructors who can effectively organize an immersive educational process, build flexible scenarios for the inclusion of these technologies in project activities. The examples of students’ project work on the basics of genetics in virtual laboratories using virtual and augmented reality technologies are examined. In particular, an innovative approach to teaching the foundations of heredity is revealed in accordance with the challenges of our time, taking into account social demand, allowing to provide a personality-oriented approach to learning, variability of the process, increase the effectiveness of the material being studied, and adapt participants to the conditions of passing the mandatory standard. At the diagnostic stage of the study, it was revealed that the heredity basics module in the school biology course is a complex topic. This served as the basis for starting the development of the author’s methodological construct, which is based on cultural, historical and problem approaches. When designing a construct, the material on the basics of heredity is divided into semantic modules – didactic units, the structure of which assumes the presence of a motivating task, a problem situation and work in a virtual training ground. The approbation of the innovative module for the study of the molecular foundations of genetics by school students shows that for its implementation into the practice of general and additional education, it is necessary to update the material base, to conduct both real and virtual genetic experiments, as well as to improve the qualifications of teaching staff.
Keywords: Biology, Environmental Education, immersive technologies, augmented reality, virtual reality, virtual testing ground, the project activities.
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