The features of socialization youth education in the context of the impact global trends development of education

Original article

doi: 10.15293/1812-9463.2104.02


Andrienko Elena Vasilievna

Novosibirsk state pedagogical University, Novosibirsk. ORCID ID: E-mail:

The article examines the global trends in the development of education, analyzes some socio-cultural factors that determine the impact on the socialization of modern youth, taking into account the combination of new information technologies and traditional approaches to education in educational systems. Topical issues of upbringing and socialization are presented in the context of the theories of generations and the modern socio-culture of childhood, the concept of the “NEET” generation, as well as conceptual ideas of the deformational influence of information technology platforms on children and youth. The problems of deforming the development of children and youth under the influence of uncontrolled information and semantic diversity, common for many countries, are analyzed. The author presents the contradictions of youth socialization based on the analysis of the combination of traditional educational approaches and the inevitability of innovative educational solutions in different countries. A comparative analysis of the features of civil and patriotic education in the UK, USA, China and Russia is presented. A comparative description of the topical issues of modern childhood and youth in the context of a changing world is given. The article reveals the specifics of the influence of the world’s contradictory trends of globalization and deglobalization on the peculiarities of education and socialization of young people.

Keywords: socioculture of childhood, features of upbringing, socialization, generation “HEET”, theory of generations, globalization, deglobalization, educational trends, civic education, patriotic education.


For Citation: Andrienko E. V. The features of socialization youth education in the context of the impact global trends development of education // Journal of Pedagogical Innovations. 2021;(4):20-29. (in Russ.).


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