Original article
doi: 10.15293/1812-9463.2104.07
Valery V. Krasheninnikov
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk. ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6470-8145, E-mail: vkrash48@mail.ru
Irina I. Nekrasova
“Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University”, Novosibirsk. ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0480-1238, e-mail: irinanekrasova@mail.ru.
The article considers the peculiarity of the development of student’s creative thinking in educational project activities in the learning process in the context of the digital technologies use in technological education. The main basic principles of the development of the subject area “Technology” as the most important element of mastering the competencies and skills of the XXI century are analyzed, taking into account the need to use modern digital technologies in the process of project activity, as a fundamental direction of mastering new knowledge in an intensively developing world. Based on the analysis of research by domestic and foreign scientists, it is shown that educational project activities contribute to the development of creative thinking when conditions are met that is close to the real design process. Some possible options for the implementation of educational project activities in modern conditions of digital transformation of technological education are described. The measures to solve the problems of modern technological education, contributing to the qualitative organization of the educational process, which relate to both the creation of pedagogical conditions and the corresponding material and technical base, are noted.
Keywords: technological education, digital technologies, project activity, creative thinking, digital transformation.
Funding: The research was carried out with the financial support of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation within a framework realizing of State Assignment No.073-00072-21-01 under the project “Digital transformation of education: development, testing of models for the implementation of distance learning in educational institutions of all levels of education”
For Citation: Krasheninnikov V. V., Nekrasova I. I. Development of creative thinking in the process of project activity in the conditions of digital transformation of technological education // Journal of Pedagogical Innovations. 2021;(4):66–75. (in Russ.).
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