The resource opportunities of a family of a child with developmental disorders as a subject of study in the practice of psychological and pedagogical consulting

Original article

УДК 376

DOI: 10.15293/1812-9463.2202.10

Olesya Vyacheslavovna Yugova

Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow, Russia

Abstract. the article presents the experience of long-term practice of psychological and pedagogical study, consulting and support of families raising children of the first years of life with various developmental disorders. In the context of this work, the goal was to identify the features of the resource field of these families. The key idea was the hypothesis that the level of basic resources of the family affects the course and results of psychological and pedagogical support of the family and the child. Identifying and improving the resource status (potential opportunities) of family increases the effectiveness of providing comprehensive care to child with developmental disorders. The analysis of the results of the questionnaires filled out by parents, as well as the results of observation and conversation divide families into three clusters based on their resource capabilities: resource family, relatively resource family, non-resource family. The article also highlights the possibilities of using modern information and communication technologies (including distant and hybrid formats) for family consulting and support.

Keywords: children with developmental disorders, family resources, consulting, support, early intervention, questionnaire, distant technologies.

For citation: Yugova O. V. Resource capabilities of the family of a child with developmental disabilities as a subject of study in the practice of psychological and pedagogical counseling // Journal of Pedagogical Innovations. 2022;(2(66)):7885. (in Russ.).


Information about the authors

Olesya Vyacheslavovna Yugova – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Logopedics, Institute of Special Education and Psychology, Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow, Russia, ORCID ID:, E-mail: