Functional Literacy as a Pedagogical Problem

Original article

УДК 37.011

DOI: 10.15293/1812-9463.23.03.01


Olga G. Pischik

National Institute of Education, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


Annotation. The article discusses the content and correlation of the concepts of “literacyˮ, “functional literacyˮ. The issues of the evolution of the concept of “functional literacyˮ in pedagogical theory and practice at various stages of social development, the expansion of the concept of “literacyˮ to the concept of “functional literacyˮ in connection with the growing demands of society to the educational process, the heterogeneity of the perception of the concept of “functional literacyˮ by various researchers are touched upon. Attention is focused on the role of the school in the formation of functionally literate personality. The author comes to the reasonable conclusion that in modern pedagogy functional literacy is considered as the basis for the manifestation of adaptive abilities to the conditions of society by person and the expansion of the range of demand in various fields of activity. The purpose of the article is to consider the problem of functional literacy in the context of pedagogical sciences.

Keywords: literacy, functional literacy, basic literacy, minimal field of functional literacy, stages of development, PISA Study, “limitˮ of functional literacy, functionally literate person.

For Citation: Pischik O. G. Functional Literacy as a Pedagogical Problem. Journal of Pedagogical Innovations, 2023, no. 3 (71), pp. 00–00. (In Russ.) DOI:



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