A Model for Preparing a Vocational Teacher for the Implementation of a Work Education Program based on Students’ Project Activities

Original article

DOI: 10.15293/1812-9463.2403.03


Sergey A. Sedov

Yelabuga Institute (branch), Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University,
Kazan, Russia


AbstractIntroduction. One of the important updates to the Professional Standard of a college teacher in 2024 was the inclusion of labor actions “formation of personal results of students based on a project”. The data of the study conducted by the author indicate that the majority of college teachers find it difficult to implement these labor actions. The purpose of the study is a theoretical description of the model of college teacher training for the formation of personal results of students based on project activities. Methodology. Substantive and formalized approaches are the basis of the methodological premise of the model; essential and phenomenological approaches are used to highlight the requirements and procedures for the implementation of the described model. The studentsʼ project activities are based on the technology of modern project-based learning (G. K. Selevko), classes are considered through the structure of a modern lesson (M. I. Makhmutov), the taxonomy of pedagogical goals (B. S. Bloom), authorʼs methods tested with college teachers. Research methods: theoretical analysis and synthesis, modeling, study and generalization of pedagogical experience. Results. A model of college teacher training for the formation of personal results of students based on project activities is described. The model is based on updating the technology of modern project-based learning in accordance with the requirements for the results of mastering the educational program by college students. The expediency of including a wide range of educational results is substantiated. Conclusions. The technology of modern project-based learning is justified as a promising technology for preparing a college teacher for the formation of personal results of students based on project activities.

Keywordshigher pedagogical education; professional standard of a college teacher; labor functions of a college teacher; work program of education; invariant goals of education; technology of project training; project activities of students.

For Citation: Sedov S. A. A Model for Preparing a Vocational Teacher for the Implementation of a Work Education Program based on Students’ Project Activities. Journal of Pedagogical Innovations, 2024, no. 3 (75), pp. 27–38. (In Russ.) DOI: https://doi.org/




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Information about the Author

Sergey A. Sedov – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Engineering and Technology Department, Elabuga Institute (branch), Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia, https://orcid.org./0000-0001-8543-7508, SASedov@kpfu.ru