Training for Students of Pedagogical Specialties “Modeling of Subjective Space”

Original article

DOI: 10.15293/1812-9463.2404.06

Liliya E. Eremina

Melitopol State University, Melitopol, Russia

AbstractIntroduction. The article presents scientific problem of modeling the subjective space of students, which is due to number of factors: the need to monitor the process of developing personal competencies of the student; the primacy of studying and optimizing the relationship between teachers and students; insufficient theoretical and practical study of issues related to the phenomenon of the personal space of student-future teacher. The purpose of the publication is to theoretically study the subjective space of students of pedagogical specialties and experimental testing of training as means of working with students along seven vectors of objective movement: knowledge, skills, abilities, intellectual abilities, value-semantic awareness, spiritual and moral potential and metacognitive thinking. Methodology. The study was facilitated by the methods of theoretical (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, formalization) and empirical knowledge (observation, questionnaires, comparison). Results. The scientific results obtained during the study fully confirm the effectiveness of the study. The pedagogical innovation of the problem study is concentrated in the modeling of the subjective space and the development of training for studying the vectors of the subjective movement of students in the context of forming their readiness for strategic activity. As part of the training work, the process of student diagnostics is presented. The author has developed nine questions for each vector. Conclusions. Based on the conducted research, conclusions are formulated that in the professional training of future teachers it is advisable to use the training “Modeling of Subjective Space”, the task of which is the individualization of professional and pedagogical education, which is required with the growth of the educational load, when students need reflexive assessment of the results of their achievements for successful strategic activity in the future.

Keywords: subjective space; vectors of subjective movement; modeling of subjective space; training.

For Citation: Eremina L. E. Training for Students of Pedagogical Specialties “Modeling of Subjective Space”. Journal of Pedagogical Innovations, 2024, no. 4 (76), pp. 89–102. (In Russ.) DOI:

FinancingThe study was carried out within the framework of state assignment no. 123112100032-8 “Study of students’ readiness to make strategic decisions in a changing cultural and educational space”.


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Information about the Author

Liliya E. Eremina – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Social Work and Social Pedagogy, Melitopol State University, Melitopol, Russia,,

Received: 05.09.2024; approved after peer review: 30.10.2024; accepted for publication: 02.11.2024.