Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) in foreign language teaching methodology

Original article

doi: 10.15293/1812-9463.2201.05

Fedotova Nina Leonidovna

Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia,,

Shi Jiexia

Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia,,

AbstractThe article presents CLIL as a problem-solving method for non-philological students in the process of forming professional competence. Different definitions of the concept of CLIL are considered, the features of content and language integrated learning in foreign language teaching methodology are analyzed based on the opinions of a number of scientists and comparison between CLIL and the similar term CBI. The main components of CLIL – 4C are highlighted: content, communication, cognition and culture, as well as the three types of language associated with it, including language of learning, language for learning and language through learning. In addition, the advantages of CLIL in terms of the materials used in lessons, the instrumental nature of the foreign language, and the development of students’ linguistic personality and abilities are described. The main idea of the article is that CLIL can be used as an effective tool for teaching foreign language to non-philological students due to its features and advantages over traditional education. The purpose of this article is to clarify the concept of CLIL in foreign language teaching methodology and to deepen its understanding in order to properly use it in special subject lessons to enhance the quality of teaching foreign non-philological students. CLIL is considered promising in foreign language teaching.

Keywordsteaching, foreign language, professional knowledge, CLIL, 4C, language triangle, language for special purposes, innovative technology.

For citation: Fedotova N. L., Shi Jixia. Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) in foreign language teaching methodology // Journal of Pedagogical Innovations. 2022;(1(65)):3848. (in Russ.).



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Information about the Authors

Fedotova N. L. – Dr. of Pedagogical Science, Professor, Professor of Department of Russian as a Foreign Language and Teaching Methods, Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, e-mail:, orcid:

Shi Jiexia  Postgraduate Student, Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, e-mail:, orcid: