DOI: 10.15293/1812-9463.2101.01
УДК 371
Ioffe Andrey Naumovich
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Personality Potential Development in Education, Institute of System Projects, Moscow City University, Moscow. E-mail:
Bychkova Liudmila Vasil’evna
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of Personality Potential Development in Education, Institute of System Projects, Moscow City University, Moscow. E-mail: ORCID:
Markova Valeriya Kirillovna
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Personality Potential Development in Education, Institute of System Projects, Moscow City University, Moscow. E-mail: ORCID:
The purpose of the article is to substantiate a block-modular constructor as a tool to overcome the costs of the traditional approach to design lessons. It is noted that it is applicable not only in the individual work of a teacher, but also in the activities of learning communities of teachers. The authors explain that an educational event as opposed to
a traditional formal event can become personally significant and saturate educational activity with new discoveries, meanings and values. It can actualize the subjectivity of its participants. This is made possible by the selection of original and relevant content, which launches the engines for the appropriation of new knowledge – interest and surprise. The design and organization of the educational event, the revision of the ways of exchanging information and communicating with participants are also important. The article describes an approximate algorithm for working with a block-modular constructor, and also offers a navigator for designing an educational event, which allows teachers to work out its organizational, content and motivational components. A plan is presented that teachers can rely on in the joint development of an educational event, techniques of reflection and feedback are given to help the mentor of the learning community of teachers.
In general, the idea of our article is to interest learning communities of teachers and their mentors in the possibilities of turning traditional formal events into personally significant educational events and collaboratively design educational events using a block-modular constructor.
Keywords: learning community of teachers, mentor, event approach, educational event, block-modular constructor, reflection, feedback.
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