DOI: 10.15293/1812-9463.2101.04
УДК 155.9+371
Marushak Evgenia Borisovna
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Assistant Professor of Education Management, Director of the Institute of Additional Education, Novosibirsk State
Pedagogical University, Mr. Novosibirsk.
Shkatova Natalia Yurievna
Leading expert of the Department of Projects and Professional Development of Pedagogical Personnel of the Municipal Government Institution «Department of Education of the Novosibirsk District of Novosibirsk Oblast», Mr. Novosibirsk. ORCID
The article presents the theoretical basis of consulting in education. The authors have summarized the material that made it possible to identify consulting support as an innovative technology within the framework of the activity of the methodological service of a pre-school educational institution. depending on the subject of the consulting. The main approaches for advising teachers, specialists and leaders of pre-school education in the process of modernizing educational infrastructure are being considered. The factors influencing the development of educational consulting in the DPI are structured and divided into groups. The specificity of the process of implementing consulting support in the activities of the DOW methodological service is described.
Keywords: educational consulting, consulting support, methodical service, pedagogical counselling, psychological counselling, internal consultants, external consultants, pre-school educational institution.
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