DOI: 10.15293/1812-9463.2101.05
УДК 37.091.113
Zhuravleva Natalia Nikolaevna
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Novosibirsk State Teachers’ University,
Novosibirsk, E-mail: 2nzhur@mail.. ru
Mukhina Anna Ivanovna
Master of 3 courses, Novosibirsk State Teachers’ University, head of ICDOU d/s No. 481 Novosibirsk, E-mail:
The article proposes to solve the problem of organizing the activities of the city’s innovation platform by means of informatization. The relevance of the topic is not in doubt, as the study of the phenomenon of innovative development of educational institutions by means of information culture and related phenomena and related processes is now in demand. Information education, on the one hand, is a pressing problem for resolution, and on the other hand – providing opportunities, that is, acting as a stimulating factor for the development of preschool education in an innovative mode. This paper highlights some aspects of the problem of education information, which are particularly relevant and possible for resolution at this stage in the conditions of preschool education. Creating and expanding a single informational educational space solves the challenges of developing the potential (cultural and technical) of such with as a pre-school educational institution, as well as improving the quality of preschool education, its accessibility, continuity, etc., with the active interaction of all participants in educational relations.
Keywords: innovative development, urban innovation platform, education information, management functions, project activities, a single educational space, quality of preschool education.
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