DOI: 10.15293/1812-9463.2101.08
УДК 37.018.26
Bogdanova Elena Vladimirovna
Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Children’s Rest, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk. E-mail:, ORCID:
The article presents the results of the specifics of the activity and professional competence of a specialist in the field of education-a counselor working with a permanent children’s team. The article reflects the results of the conducted research on the definition of the space of professional activity of a counselor working with a permanent children’s team and the allocation of methodological competence as one of the key professional competencies of him as a specialist working with a permanent children’s team. The author of the article conducted a comparative analysis of the formation of the methodological competence of a counselor working with a permanent children’s team on the example of the competitive materials of the participants of the All-Russian Competition of professional Skills “League of Counselors” and identified the key professional deficits of the formation of the methodological competence of counselors. Based on the study of training programs for counselors working with a permanent children’s team, presented in the open access, methodological recommendations for optimizing the system of training counselors working with a permanent children’s team and developing their methodological competence are formed.
Keywords: methodical competence; counselors working with a permanent children’s team; Professional Development.
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