Blended learning: expectations and reality

DOI: 10.15293/1812-9463.2103.10

УДК 372.016.54+373

Kachalova Galina Semenovna

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Assistant Professor, Professor of the Department of Chemistry of Institute of natural and socio-economic sciences,
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk.

Bagavieva Tatyana Kamilyevna

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Chemistry of Institute of natural and socio-economic sciences, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk.

Butakov Vladimir Vladimirovich

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Chemistry of Institute of natural and socio-economic sciences, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk.


The article discusses the problem of organizing blended learning in general education organizations. Blended learning, as one of the areas of informatization of education, has been used in foreign countries since the end of the 20th century, and in Russia it has been discussed quite recently. Blended learning has both advantages over traditional learning and possible risks, which include the lack of readiness of teachers to implement an innovative approach to teaching chemistry due to poor awareness of blended learning lesson models and methodological capabilities of electronic educational resources. Separate publications on conducting such chemistry lessons in the absence of generalized methodological recommendations do not allow the teacher to effectively master this technology. The purpose of the study is to develop guidelines that generalize and systematize the experience of organizing blended learning in chemistry lessons. The research methodology is determined: literary search on the problem of organizing blended learning; studying the readiness of chemistry teachers to organize blended learning; development of scripts for chemistry lessons in different blended learning models; preparation of recommendations for chemistry teachers. This article presents the results of questionnaire survey of chemistry teachers, allowing to determine their readiness for the organization of blended learning. It was found that more than 70% of chemistry teachers know what blended learning is, but prefer to accompany traditional face-to-face learning with electronic resources or use the flipped classroom blended learning model as the most understandable and accessible. The authors confirmed the assumption of the need to develop generalized model of blended learning lessons, criteria for choosing model and electronic resources, taking into account the studied content. When choosing electronic resources, the main criterion should be the scientific nature of the studied content, and not the convenience of the user interface. An important criterion is the cross-platform nature of educational resources, as well as the availability of guidelines for the inclusion of the proposed electronic resources in the educational process.

Keywords: chemistry, general education school, information technology, blended learning, electronic resources, blended learning models, criteria for choosing a learning model, criteria for choosing electronic resources..



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