DOI: 10.15293/1812-9463.2103.13
УДК 378(37.026)+372.881.1
Zaidman Irina Naumovna
Professor of the Department of the Modern Russian Language and its Teaching Methods, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk.
ORCID ID: E-mail:
The author considers pedagogical practice from the positions of professional risks presented in the scientific literature, taking into account which he builds a practice-oriented system of complex dispersed training of students for practice in the Russian language. At the same time, the emphasis is on interaction with basic schools, where future teachers receive their first professional experience. The university teachers ‘ knowledge of the school’s requirements, the general concept of practice, long-term cooperation of educational organizations of higher and secondary education, the built system of propaedeutic methodological training of students allow them to develop general pedagogical and special competencies of novice teachers, prevent possible risks, and contribute to their successful adaptation at school.
Research methods: analysis of scientific literature, associative experiment, method of unfinished sentences, questionnaire, observation, reflexive essay, experimental training, conversation with the employer.
Keywords: pedagogical practice, Russian language, practice-oriented training, basic school, cooperation, pedagogical risk, methodical thinking.
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