Chemical literacy as a component of the natural scientific literacy of students

DOI: 10.15293/1812-9463.2103.07

УДК 372.016;54+373

Kachalova Galina Semenovna

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Assistant Professor, Professor of the Department
of Chemistry of Institute of natural and socio-economic sciences,
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk.


The article is devoted to the problem of the formation of chemical literacy of students of an educational school. It is shown that chemical literacy is component of natural science literacy, which is considered as manifestation of functional literacy. The article analyzes the content of the tasks of the international research of natural science literacy PISA from the open bank of tasks. It was found that the tasks are dominated by the context associated with the content of the sciences of physical systems – physics, geography, geology, but practically no content related to chemistry is presented. The literature contains sufficient number of individual publications that describe different methods of forming chemical literacy. PISA tasks are used as tool for the formation and assessment of the formation of chemical literacy. But there are no guidelines for chemistry teachers, including description of the technology for developing tasks in the PISA format and sets of such tasks. As an innovative component, methodology for preparing tasks in chemistry in the PISA format within the framework of the systemic and competency-based approaches is proposed.

Keywords: natural science literacy, chemistry, chemical literacy, methods of teaching chemistry, competence, systems approach, competence-based approach, competence-based and situational tasks, guidelines.



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