Organization of the project activities of students in the framework of implementation of the subject area “technology”

Original article

doi: 10.15293/1812-9463.2104.09


Marina Gennadievna Volchek

Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University; Novosibirsk Institute of Advanced Training and Retraining of Educational, Workers, Novosibirsk. ORCID ID: E-mail:

Roman Vladimirovich Kamenev

Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk. ORCID ID: E-mail:

Dmitry Yurievich Chupin

Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk. ORCID ID:Х E-mail:

Evgeniya Yuryevna Nikitina

Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Deputy Director for teaching and educational work of the municipal budgetary educational institution “Kislovskaya secondary school” of the Tomsk region. Tomsk. ORCID ID:Х E-mail:  

This article examines the development of technology education of general education institutions with direct participation and interaction with pedagogical universities. The article presents the analysis of the using of the high-tech equipment in the educational institutions, identified professional deficiencies among teachers of technological education in the using of the modern digital technologies. Based on the results of the study the article identifies effective ways to implement the requirements for modern school technology education in accordance with the updated FSES. The article also discusses various approaches of organizing the project activities of students in the framework of technological education. The authors show that the experience of teaching the subject area “Technology” accumulated in our country is the basis for its modernization. The successful experience of including Russia in the international movement “WorldSkills International” is at the same time the basis for assessing the quality of education and broadcasting practice to modernize the content of vocational training. This is especially true in the areas of promising professions and professions of the digital economy, which must be prepared already from school.

Keywords: school technology education, high-tech equipment, project activities.

FundingThe research was carried out with the funding by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation within a framework of realizing of State Assignment No.073-00072-21-01 under the project “The development of a model of interaction between pedagogical universities and basic schools and organising of their methodological support”.


For Citation: Volchek M. G., Kamenev R. V., Chupin D. Yu., Nikitina E. Yu. Organization of the project activities of students in the framework of implementation of the subject area “technology” // Journal of Pedagogical Innovations. 2021;(4):87101. (in Russ.).



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