The role of the subject «History (history of Russia. Universal history)» in the education of students and cadets

Original article

Vladislav Gennadjevich Kokoulin

Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation, Novosibirsk, Russia,

Yana Sergeevna Ivashchenko

Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University; Novosibirsk State Technical University Novosibirsk, Russia

Abstract. The article analyzes the change in ideas about the tasks of the academic discipline «History» in a modern university compared to the Soviet period, when the teaching of history was of a pronounced ideological nature. As noted in the article, currently the academic discipline “History” performs two tasks: the formation of historical memory and the education of patriotism. However, for a number of reasons, the potential of the discipline “History” was not fully realized for solving educational problems. The authors of the article show the possibilities of using the academic discipline «History» in the organization of educational work not only in extracurricular activities, but also during the educational process. The potential of the educational discipline history for spiritual and moral education and prevention of nationalism and religious extremism is analyzed. The authors come to the conclusion that the educational discipline “History” itself has a significant educational potential, for the use of which in educational process it is necessary to rework the plan of educational work and change the content of the basic course «History».

Keywords: history, education, patriotism, prevention of extremism and nationalism, spiritual and moral education.

For citation: Kokoulin V. G., Ivashchenko Y. S. The role of the subject “History (History of Russia. Universal history)” in the education of students of non-humanitarian specialties// Journal of Pedagogical Innovations. 2022;(2(66)):5–13. (in Russ.).


Information about the authors

Vladislav Gennadjevich Kokoulin – Doctor of Historical Studies, Professor of the Department of History and Theory of State and Law, Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation, Novosibirsk, Russia, ORCID ID:, E-mail:

Yana Sergeevna Ivashchenko – Doctor of Cultural Studies, Professor, Department of Education Management, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University; Professor, Department of History and Political Science, Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia, ORCID ID:, E-mail: