The concept of «self care» in the aspect of pedagogical activity

УДК 171+

doi: 10.15293/1812-9463.2202.03

Original article

Olga Evgenievna Ignatenko

Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University,
Novosibirsk, Russia

Abstract. The article presents the views of philosophers, psychologists, teachers on the nature of self-care. The philosophy of antiquity considers self-care as rule of wise life, linking all human beingness with caring for the soul. Modern philosophers describe the practice of oneself and self-care with the existence of an individual in the world, pay attention to the care of the soul and body. The implementation of an individual life scenario does not imply break with society, ignoring others, but relies on reflection, comprehension and self-determination.

The purpose of the article is to consider the phenomenon of self-care through the prism of pedagogical activity. The methodological basis is formed by ontogenetic and epistemological approaches that explain the human phenomenon. In pedagogical activity, the concept of self-care acquires special significance in the process of preventing and overcoming professional burnout. It is very important for a teacher to be able to determine his emotional and psychophysical state: whether he is in harmony with himself or shows internal disunity.

At the same time, the teacher needs knowledge that would allow him to comprehend his own state and return the lost harmony. Such knowledge can be various trainings, in which “techniques of the self” are widely used: work with thought, work with words, work with the body.

Keywords: self-care, self-techniques, self-rehabilitation, pedagogical activity, professional burnout, training, individualization, professional development.

For citation: Ignatenko O. E. The concept of “self-care” in the aspect of pedagogical activity // Journal of Pedagogical Innovations. 2022;(2(66)):2328. (in Russ.).


Information about the authors

Olga Evgenievna Ignatenko – Head, Regional Resource Center “Family and Children”, Senior Lecturer, Department of Correctional Pedagogy and Psychology, Institute of Childhood, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia, ORCID ID:, E-mail: