DOI: 10.15293/1812-9463.2204.05
УДК 378+372.016:5*40
Olga N. Chernyshova
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Zinaida V. Brodovskaya
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Abstract. The article deals with the problem of preparing students for the formation of the natural science foundations, including ecological literacy, which is relevant for a pedagogical university. The solution to this problem is proposed to begin with increasing the natural science literacy of the students themselves, since testing has shown the level of it among first-year students is relatively low. The experience of organizing theoretical training of future bachelors of primary education within the disciplines of the natural science cycle is described. Training should be based on correct scientific information about all levels of the organization of matter, use different forms and methods: the study of natural objects and their models in laboratory conditions, excursions, independent search for information in various sources, its critical analysis. Methodological training is recommended to be carried out based on the available published materials on functional literacy, the study of which facilitates the design of diagnostic tasks, conducting model lessons in practical classes at the university and preparing for lessons taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard on pedagogical practice. Independent research in the preparation of term papers and final qualifying papers, writing articles, as well as participation in conferences, subject olympiads and competitions contribute to the development of creative thinking of students. The majority of senior students demonstrate a higher level of natural science literacy than at the beginning of their education at the university.
Keywords: natural science literacy, functional literacy, ecological literacy, junior schoolchildren, students, bachelors, pedagogical education, elementary education, teaching biology, teaching methodology, natural science, scientific knowledge.
For Citation: Chernyshova O. N., Brodovskaya Z. V. Organizational and Methodological Conditions for the Development of Natural Science Literacy of Future Bachelories in Primary Education. Journal of Pedagogical Innovations, 2022, no. 4 (68), pp. 47–65. (In Russ.) DOI:
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Information about the Authors
Olga N. Chernyshova – Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia,,
Zinaida V. Brodovskaya – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia,,