УДК 378.1
DOI: 10.15293/1812-9463.2301.07
Anatoly А. Novichuk
Novosibirsk Military Institute named after Army General I. K. Yakovlev of National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation,
Novosibirsk, Russia
Zoya I. Lavrentieva
Novosibirsk Military Institute named after Army General I. K. Yakovlev of National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation,
Novosibirsk, Russia
Abstract. The article actualizes the problem of transformation of professional education, in particular military education, to organize qualitative training of military personnel for the execution of service and combat tasks both in everyday activities and during the execution of tasks in the zone of special military operation. Particular attention is paid to the selection of content and methods of vocational education from the perspective of interaction of servicemen with the local population. The aim of this article is to provide a theoretical and methodological substantiation of the selection of content and methods of professional training for the military personnel of the National Guard of the Russian Federation in the context of interaction with the local population. Research methods: analysis and synthesis methods were used to determine theoretical conclusions, allowing to establish regularities arising in the consideration of interaction of servicemen with the local population. In the empirical part, the interview method was used. The methodological basis is represented by current sociological, psychological, and pedagogical concepts reflecting the essence of the concept “interactionˮ. The conclusion is based on the results of the conducted empirical research, which revealed characteristic difficulties experienced by servicepersons when interacting with the local population. The conclusion is that members of the armed forces need to have some knowledge of the theory of interaction in their education and training to interact with the local population, as well as ways to establish contact with the local population.
Keywords: interaction, attitude, military personnel, local population, theory of interaction, professional training of military personnel, professional education.
For Citation: Novichuk A. A., Lavrentieva Z. I. Theoretical and Psychological and Pedagogical Bases for Selection of the Content and Methods of Professional Training of Military Services of the National Guard of the Russian Federation for Interaction with the Local Population. Journal of Pedagogical Innovations, 2023, no. 1 (69), pp. 61–69. (In Russ.) DOI: https://doi.org/10.15293/1812-9463.2301.07
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Information about the Authors
Anatoly S. Novichuk – Adjunct, Novosibirsk Military Institute named after Army General I. K. Yakovlev of National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, Novosibirsk, Russia, https://orcid.org/000-0001-6415-6387, novichuk2012@mail.ru
Zoya I. Lavrentieva – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of Military Pedagogy and Psychology Department, Novosibirsk Military Institute named after Army General I. K. Yakovlev of National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, Novosibirsk, Russia, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9428-497X, lzi53@mail.ru
Received: 30.12.2022; approved after peer review: 20.02.2023; accepted for publication: 27.02.2023.