DOI: 10.15293/1812-9463.2402.05
Vera S. Fedotova
Pushkin Leningrad State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Annotation. Introduction. Mathematics as a science and academic discipline has rich educational potential. However, due to the lack of motivation among students to master it, difficulties often arise in acquiring fundamental mathematical knowledge. The author believes that questions of the history of mathematics can help to understand how this discipline has developed over the centuries, how it influences modern life, and the tools of the digital educational environment will make it possible to do this in an accessible and understandable interactive form. The aim of the study is to present a way to use digital interactive maps as a means of developing deep mathematical knowledge in students, based on historical aspects of mathematical theory. Methodology: analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research topic, generalization of many years of experience in training future teachers of mathematics and computer science, results of organizing design and research activities of students at Leningrad State University named after
A. S. Pushkin (Saint Petersburg). The digital interactive map presented by the author is based on substantive aspects of the development of mathematics from the history of the Saint Petersburg mathematical school. Results. Digital interactive maps are characterized as an option for a teacher to use the functionality of a digital educational environment to fundamentalize students’ mathematical training. Interactive maps increase studentsʼ interest in educational material, integrate various types of data, use various interactivity tools, are the basis for providing detailed reference information, provide productive interaction with the map, and others. The author presents an example of creating an interactive map that reflects various locations in Saint Petersburg associated with historical aspects of the development of mathematical theory. Conclusions. A conclusion is made about the methodologically justified creation and use by the teacher of materials on the history of mathematics for the development of students’ system of fundamental mathematical knowledge, the formation of interest in the subject, the patriotic education of students, which together contributes to the conscious study of each individual topic of the school and university mathematics course, a deep immersion in the essence tasks to be solved.
Keywords: digital educational environment; interactive educational materials; interactive map; mathematics and computer science teacher.
For Citation: Fedotova V. S. Using Interactive Maps as a Means of Developing Fundamental Mathematical Knowledge. Journal of Pedagogical Innovations, 2024,
no. 2 (74), pp. 48–59. (In Russ.) DOI:
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Information about the Author
Vera S. Fedotova – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, Pushkin Leningrad State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia,,
Received: 28.02.2024; approved after peer review: 10.04.2024; accepted for publication: 30.04.2024.