Original article
DOI: 10.15293/1812-9463.2403.07
Natalia A. Simbirtseva
Ural State Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg, Russia
Margarita L. Kusova
Ural State Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg, Russia
Elena V. Semenova
Ural State Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg, Russia
Abstract. Introduction. Introducing elementary school students to the values of artistic culture in the lessons of fine arts and literary reading is an important aspect of primary education. The authors of the article focus on the cultural approach, which contributes to the expansion of space for interpersonal and intercultural interaction, self-expression and realization of essential, creative in nature, human forces, allowing to rely on the dominant system of values in society and build educational strategies based on the ideas of dialogue and humanism as a basic basis for common approaches in teaching different subjects. Methodology. The article presents a number of principles, including: the principle of continuity, continuity, the principle of combining theory and practice-oriented, communicative interaction, openness, inclusiveness of the educational environment, cultural appropriateness. The integration of these principles in the process of implementation of the subjects “Fine Arts” and “Literary Reading” at the level of primary general education allows the teacher to strengthen the educational context of the taught subject, to expand the possibilities of searching and justification of actual methodological solutions in the context of cultural approach in education. Results. The research resulted in methodological solutions presented in the form of variants of tasks for students on the material of studying watercolor painting and works of various genres in elementary school. Conclusions. The solutions proposed by the authors can be considered by teachers as methodological guidelines that demonstrate and reveal the specifics of the implementation of the cultural approach in teaching the subjects “Fine Arts” and “Literary Reading”.
Keywords: cultural approach; fine arts; literary reading; principles of implementing the content of educational programs; integration; teacherʼs activities; methodological solutions.
For Citation: Simbirtseva N. A., Kusova M. L., Semenova E. V. Cultural Approach in Teaching Visual Arts and Literary Reading at the Primary General Education Level: Principles and Methodological Solutions. Journal of Pedagogical Innovations, 2024,
no. 3 (75), pp. 77–92. (In Russ.) DOI: https://doi.org/10.15293/1812-9463.2403.07
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Information about the Authors
Natalia A. Simbirtseva – Doctor of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Cultural Studies, Ural State Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg, Russia, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5902-845X, Simbirtseva.nat@yandex.ru
Margarita L. Kusova – Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Educational Activities, Ural State Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg, Russia, https://orcid.org/0009-0006-3350-3343, mlkusova@mail.ru
Elena V. Semenova, – Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Director of the Institute of Special Education, Ural State Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg, Russia, https://orcid.org/0009-0007-5690-2686, iso.semenova@yandex.ru
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