The use of gamification tools in the practice of modern education

DOI: 10.15293/1812-9463.2103.14

УДК 37.013.32+37.012

Bogdanova Elena Vladimirovna

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Children’s Recreation, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk. ORCID ID:

Musienko Mark Sergeevich

1st-year postgraduate student, 44.06.01. General pedagogy. History of Pedagogy and Education, Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow.


The purpose of the article is to formulate the problem of using various gamification tools: role – playing games, simulators, video games in the practice of modern education. The article analyzes and describes step-by-step methodology for introducing gamification into the learning process, starting from analyzing the internal environment of an educational organization and determining the goals of introducing gamification on its basis to choosing platform for gamification, selecting rules and creating motivation system for students.

The article substantiates the relevance of research on the use of gamification in solving various levels of pedagogical tasks. Based on a comparative analysis of foreign studies on gamification, the article highlights the main trends in the use of gamification tools in real pedagogical practice, identifies and describes three key segments of gamification in relation to basic education: game products, auxiliary tools for the main educational program and tools for the formation of various cultural skills. According to the results of the study, conclusions are formulated. The prospects for the development of the research topic are outlined.

Keywords: gamification, role-playing games, simulation games, video games.



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