The conditions for the young teachers’ professional development in the space of a pedagogical university

Original article

doi: 10.15293/1812-9463.2104.05

Shamarina Elena Vladimirovna

Altai State Pedagogical University, Russian Federation, Barnaul.  ORCID ID:, E-mail:


Contemporary challenges of the education system cause the growth of professional difficulties for the young teachers, reduce the effectiveness of their adaptation and consolidation in the educational institutions. The monitoring of professional deficient conditions of the young teachers allows these difficulties to be leveled on time, thereby improving the quality of their adaptation, consolidation, and professional self-identification. The theory and methodology of minimizing professional difficulties have been studied by scientists, but each region has its own specifics of the development of the education system and the peculiarity of supporting the professional development of young specialists. This makes it possible to conceptually define a methodology for identifying professional difficulties of the young teachers of Altai Krai and develop a mechanism for implementing individual educational routes. The purpose of this work is to identify the conditions for the young teachers’ professional development in the space of a pedagogical university. Methods. The methodological basis consists of a systematic approach as the basis for diagnosing professional difficulties of the young teachers; a competence-based approach as the basis for structuring professional difficulties. The research uses the method of collecting primary information, the method of analysis, generalization, information processing, and the design method. The results of the study are the following. The technology of the annual career guidance event «The Job Fair» with the involvement of employers as active participants is described. Questionnaires are developed for employers and young specialists to identify professional difficulties of a group of young teachers. The monitoring of the young teachers’ deficient conditions was carried out. Twelve additional professional training programs are developed for the young teachers of Altai Krai. A mechanism for building and implementing of a professional development individual trajectory has been made. The results of employers’ diagnostics and a list of professional development programs are presented.

Keywords: a young teacher, professional difficulties, the postgraduate support of young teachers, an employment, a professional development trajectory, personalized educational routes.

FundingThe article was prepared with the financial support of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation as part of the implementation of the state assignment for the implementation of applied research work on the topic “Development of a program of psychological and pedagogical support and personification of educational routes for young teachers in the advanced training system” (State assignment № 073-00037-21-01 of 14.07.2021).


For Citation: Shamarina E. V. The conditions for the young teachers’ professional development in the space of a pedagogical university // Journal of Pedagogical Innovations. 2021;(4):4959. (in Russ.).



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