CONTENTS THE QUALITY OF INNOVATIONS IN EDUCATION: THEORY AND PRACTICEBarmatina I. V., Varakuta A. A., Kokhan N. V., Marushchak E. B. (Novosibirsk). Scientific and methodological support of pedagogical workers in the process of interaction of a pedagogical university and basic schoolsAndrienko E. V. (Novosibirsk). The features of socialization youth education in the context of the impact global trends development of educationKamenev R. V., Klassov A. B., Krasheninnikov V. V. (Novosibirsk). The concept of using artificial intelligence in distance learningTaranova M. V. (Novosibirsk). Methodological knowledge of mathematics as a necessary condition for the formation of professional competencies of future teachers of mathematicsINNOVATIVE PROVISION OF EDUCATIONAL PROCESSShamarina E. V. (Barnaul). The conditions for the young teachers’ professional development in the space of a pedagogical universityShabanov A. G. (Novosibirsk). Pedagogical conditions for the formation of motivation for sports activity in a children’s dance groupKrasheninnikov V. V., Nekrasova I. I. (Novosibirsk). Development of creative thinking in the process of project activity in the conditions of digital transformation of technological educationPRACTICE OF INNOVATIVE EDUCATION INTRODUCTIONTrifonov E. Yu. (Novosibirsk). Analysis of the results of the performance of participants of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren on the subject of “Physical culture”Volchek M. G., Kamenev R. V., Chupin D. Yu. (Novosibirsk), Nikitina E. Yu. (Tomsk). Organization of the project activities of students in the framework of implementation of the subject area “technology”